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Ajax File Upload with Progress Bar using PHP and JQuery


File Upload with Progress Bar, The most key feature of the dynamic web application is the file upload function. PHP can be used to easily implement the file upload functionality. Usually, when you upload a file using PHP, the page is refreshed jQuery and Ajax can be used for uploading files or photos without refreshing the page, to make it easy for people to upload this file.

Progress Bar is very useful in showing the upload progress in a human-readable format. A progress bar is a graphical feature that visualizes an operation’s progress. A progress bar can usually be used to view progress representation for upload, download, or installation in a percentage format. In this tutorial, we will show you how to Upload File with Progress Bar using PHP and Ajax JQuery.

Before getting started, take a look at the file structure.

File Upload with Progress Bar form (index.html)

In this form, we have file input and progress bar to show the progress of the upload file. In the starting, the progress bar width is set to 0.

jQuery Ajax File Upload with Progress Bar:

The jQuery and Ajax are used to upload a progress bar file, so start with the jQuery library.

The following jQuery code sends data from the selected file to the server-side script without Ajax reloading the page.

Upload File to “uploads” folder using PHP (upload.php)

The upload.php file is called to handle the process of uploading the file with PHP by the Ajax request.

Also Read: jQuery to Preview and Rotate an Image Before Upload using PHP

Also Read: Multiple File Upload with PHP

Also Read: Resize Image While Uploading with PHP

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