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WooCommerce: Display Product Discount After Coupon Applied in Cart Summary @ Checkout

Display Product Discount After Coupon Applied in Cart Summary

If you are using WooCommerce to build an eCommerce /online shopping website and looking for a way to Display Product Discount After Coupon Applied with the original price crossed in Cart Summary and Checkout Page. Then you are in the right place.

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How to hide the posts and media of other WordPress users

hide the posts and media of other WordPress users

If you are a WordPress developer or website owner and have worked on a WordPress blog site where many users upload articles, you may have noticed that even though you cannot edit other user’s posts. Inside the WordPress admin, you can still see the titles of all posts.

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Easy Way to Add Custom Fields into WooCommerce Checkout Page

Adding WooCommerce custom checkout fields on a checkout page according to your needs can be a real pain or a very time-consuming task. Fortunately, there is an easy way to implement this. You can follow our tutorial to get started. This tutorial will show you how to add a custom field to a WooCommerce checkout page.

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How to Store Visitor Activity Log in the MySql Database Using PHP

Store Visitor Activity Log in the MySql Database Using PHP

In this article, we will learn about the website visitor activity tracking script. User activity on the online application / Website can be tracked using the Visitor Log. You’ll collect the visitor’s IP address, referrer, browser, and other information when…

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How to Add Buy Now Button in WooCommerce without Plugin

Add Buy Now Button in WooCommerce

Adding a buy now button in wooCommerce allows your customers to purchase the products they want more quickly and avoid extra steps in the checkout process. Instead of adding items to the cart, going to the cart page, and then to the checkout page, they can go from the product page to the checkout page with a single click. This reduces drop-offs and cart abandonment.

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