In this article, you will learn about How to Draw Route Path between two locations on Map using Google Maps Direction API in PHP. You can easily display maps on the website using Google Maps API and point the location using…
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Set and Get Data in Cookies with JavaScript
What are Cookies? A cookie is a small data file that your browser saves on your computer, allowing it to be accessed later. You might have experienced the advantages of cookies, whether you’re aware of it or not. For instance,…
Expand +How to Use *ngIf else, then directive in Angular
There is always a moment where you have to compare between two entities where creating your Angular application or any other application. These entities can be variables or array objects. The theory of comparison has helped to break down a…
Expand +Integrate Real-Time and Historical Stock Market Data API with PHP
What is Market Data API? The marketstack Data API offers the easy-to-use JSON API that delivers worldwide stock markets from 72 global stock exchanges. If you want to Integrate and display real-time and historical data from stock exchanges on your…
Expand +Decorator in Angular?
Decorators are a TypeScript feature, and they are implemented as functions. The decorator name begins with @ symbol followed by bracket and arguments, whereas decorators are only functions in TypeScript. Decorators are functions simply return functions. These functions supply metadata…
Expand +How to upgrade Node.JS to the latest version
In this article, we’ll cover all methods of how to upgrade NodeJs to Latest version in Linux Os, Ubuntu Os, Windows 7, 8, 10, and Mac Osx using NPM (Node Package Manager) and NVM (Node Version Manager). And finally, we…
Expand +Complete Steps to Create Custom Taxonomy in WordPress
WordPress is one of the most popular blogging platforms with many powerful features, and Custom Post Type & Custom Taxonomy in WordPress is one of them. Let’s first understand the custom taxonomy in WordPress. What is a Custom Taxonomy in WordPress? WordPress…
Expand +Complete Steps to Create Custom Post Types in WordPress
If you are a WordPress Developer and working on client site where you need to create custom post type in WordPress to addons some new feature. But you don’t want to install any WordPress plugin to create custom post type,…
Expand +Implementing Client-Side Logout Functionality in React
User login and logout functionality in react is an important part of any Web Application. It does not matter your application built with React, Nodejs, PHP, or any technologies. If your application is built with React and you want to…
Expand +How to use map() in Javascript
Introduction to JavaScript Array mapfunction or map() The map function or map() in javascript is very helpful when you need to convert or modify the elements in an Array. See Below image code It runs from left to right across the…
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