#What is Deno.js? A secure runtime for JavaScript and TypeScript. Better version of Node.js Learn According to the official webpage, what is Deno.js? Also check out the official 1.0 announcement blog post. Well, Deno.js is a runtime for JavaScript (like the same Node.js is a runtime for…
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How to Create Dynamic XML Sitemap in Codeigniter?
How to create dynamic XML sitemap in CodeIgniter application is really important to crawl website pages links or URLs for Google, Yahoo. Every basic website needs an XML sitemap so that we can submit the XML sitemap to google search…
Expand +Export HTML Table to PDF using jQuery
How to convert or export HTML table to pdf using jQuery is a big problem for Web Application Developers and every time they look for appropriate solutions, so After reviewing this post you’ll not take more than 5 minutes to…
Expand +How to Zip and Download files using NodeJS
In this tutorial, I’ll show you the basic procedure of how to zip and Download files using NodeJS. For a web application, zipping multiple files and downloading is a key feature for any web developer or programmer. Assume you are developing…
Expand +Django Vs Node: Which one is the Best For Back-End Web Development?
Django vs Node is a difficult question, because Django is a web framework, while Node.js is a JavaScript runtime built on Chrome’s V8 JavaScript engine. In other words, Node is a platform offering lots of libraries while Django is a…
Expand +How to expire JWT token on logout?
How to expire JWT token on logout from the app or website?. It is an important question for node js programmers who are using the JWT library to generate an authentication token. JSON Web Tokens JWT (JSON Web Tokens) provides…
Expand +Word Document Placeholder Replacement using Node js
In this article, we’ll see how to replace word document placeholder using Docxtemplater & pizzip library with Node js Project. Word Document Placeholder What is Docxtemplater? Docxtemplater is a programmatically used mail merging tool that handles conditions, loops, and that can be…
Expand +File Upload in Node js using Multer
File Upload in Node js using Multer is an important feature for any web application. Multer is a Node.js or express middleware, that makes it easy to handle multipart/form-data when your users upload files. When a website user uploads a file to a server, it is usually submitted via a form and encoded as multipart/form-data.
Expand +Drag and Drop File Upload using DropzoneJS, PHP & MySQL
Drag and drop file upload is a very successful way to make your web application user-friendly. Generally, this feature allows you to drag an element and drop it to a different location on the web page. The drag and drop…
Expand +How to get the first word in a string Python
Sometimes we come across situations where we need to get first word in string python. Hence it is often helpful to have shorthands to perform this function. This article also covers the situations where we need all words present in…
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