WordPress powers 39.5% of websites, according to search engine journals. Further, out of the 10 million most visited websites, 42.9% are outpacing the growth with competitors using WordPress. WordPress is one of the most popular content management systems (CMS). And…
Expand +Category: Wordpress
Remove the custom taxonomy slug from the URL in WordPress
If you are using WordPress and created a custom taxonomy for custom post type then this article is very helpful for you. When you create a new custom taxonomy for custom post type or default post type in WordPress then…
Expand +Remove slug from custom post type in WordPress
If you are a WordPress developer and love to create custom post types to addon the new feature in your project then this article is very helpful for you. When you create a new custom post type in WordPress then…
Expand +Exclude multiple terms from WP_Term_Query by term name
If your website is built with WordPress and you have multiple terms in your “post or custom post type” taxonomy like category or custom_taxonomy. Sometimes we don’t want to display the multiple terms on the website. In this scenario, We…
Expand +Adding a custom bulk action in WordPress list tables
WordPress have default option to select multiple posts or page at once and perform the bulk edit and delete action. Using this feature you can anything you want onto the selected elements. Please refer the below image If you are…
Expand +Remove “Archive:”, “Category:”, “Tag:”, “Author:” from the_archive_title in WordPress
If you are a WordPress developer or WordPress website owner. And looking for ways to completely remove “Archive:”, “Category:”, “Tag:”, “Author:” from the_archive_title in WordPress then you must need to read this article. In this article, you will get complete…
Expand +Tips to Boost Your WordPress Security
You don’t want all your efforts gone into putting your heart and soul blogging on WordPress in vain, that’s when we come to the rescue. Google has blacklisted almost 10,000 sites as a result of malware. Several people are falling…
Expand +Woocommerce hook to display offers text after shop loop item
WooCommerce provides different hooks for their shop page, product category pages, cart page, and checkout page. These hooks allow us to place our content or offers in various locations on these pages. Woocommerce hook to display offers text If you…
Expand +Best Plugin to Charge Extra Cash on Delivery Fee for Woocommerce
If you are looking for a WordPress plugin to Charge Extra Cash on Delivery Fee for woocommerce using COD Payment Method on the checkout page. Charge Extra Cash on Delivery Fee for woocommerce Woocommerce plugin to charge customers for cash…
Expand +How To Disable (or Remove) “All Posts, Published, and Trash” in Dashboard Posts
If you are looking for ways to completely remove the All, Published, and Trash in WordPress admin dashboard posts or custom post types. Then this article will provide you with complete steps to make it possible for you. By default,…
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