Mounting is the process of creating an element and inserting it in a DOM tree. Following methods are called in following order when an instance of a component is being created and inserted into the DOM:- Constructor() getDerivedStateFromProps() render() componentDidMount()…
Expand +Author: Pradeep Maurya
Export HTML to Word Document with JavaScript
If you want to export HTML content to Microsoft Word document, without plugins or libraries, but with just simple JavaScript, continue reading this article. Generally, the export function is used to download the contents of the web page as a…
Expand +Lifecycle Methods in ReactJS
Lifecycle methods in ReactJS are different approaches that are used in different phases of the lifecycle of a component. With a good knowledge of the life cycle of the component, you would be able to create quality ReactJs user interfaces.…
Expand +Convert HTML to MS Word file using PHP and custom library
The export functionality to the document on the server is extremely useful for converting HTML content to MS word document and download it as a.docx file. The MS word document can be quickly generated with HTML content via PHP. Converting…
Expand +Passing Arguments to Event Handlers
If you are working on a React function component, you may need to add an event to Click (or other events). Before start this article i will suggest you to read Event Handling in React Element. You usually do:
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<button onClick={handleClick}>Delete</button> |
Expand +Handling Events – React
What is Event? Events are the activities to which javaScript can respond. For example: Clicking an element Submitting a form Scrolling page Hovering an element Handling Events: The handling of React events is very similar to the handling of DOM…
Expand +State in React Component
State is similar to props, but it is private and fully controlled by the component. We can create state only in class components. It is possible to update the state/Modify the state. In this article, we will discuss about State…
Expand +Props in ReactJS
React allows us to send information to a Component using something named props. Props are basically a kind of global variable or object. In this post, we will read about this in more detail. When React sees an element representing…
Expand +Best Way to do the Competitor research in SEO
Why is it important to research competitors? The search for a competitor plays a major role and is technically legal. It is simply a collection of snippets of information available in the public domain. You understand your errors in this…
Expand +What is JSX in React?
JSX is a funny tag syntax. It is neither a string nor HTML. In this article, i am starting from the very basics and walk through everything you need to know about JSX. If you’ve ever wanted to learn React…
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