As your website grows, more resources and functions are required. There is a point when you have to upgrade from a shared hosting plan to a VPS hosting that is Virtual Private Server.
Expand +Author: Pradeep Maurya
How to Store Visitor Activity Log in the MySql Database Using PHP
In this article, we will learn about the website visitor activity tracking script. User activity on the online application / Website can be tracked using the Visitor Log. You’ll collect the visitor’s IP address, referrer, browser, and other information when…
Expand +How to Add Buy Now Button in WooCommerce without Plugin
Adding a buy now button in wooCommerce allows your customers to purchase the products they want more quickly and avoid extra steps in the checkout process. Instead of adding items to the cart, going to the cart page, and then to the checkout page, they can go from the product page to the checkout page with a single click. This reduces drop-offs and cart abandonment.
Expand +How to Add Video Instead of an Image WooCommerce Single Product
If you are a WordPress developer and looking for a way to add video instead of an image wooCommerce single product page. Then you are in the right place. Many things are set up by default when you install WooCommerce…
Expand +How to Add / Edit or Change Position of Default WooCommerce Product Tabs
In today’s world, most eCommerce sites require the most basic to the most advanced and complex online stores. And the majority of them want to use WooCommerce to build their online store. This is mainly due to the features it…
Expand +How to Send Email using PHPMailer in Laravel
By default, Laravel sends emails using the inbuilt SwiftMailer library. Now, here we will try “PHPMailer” Laravel package for sending emails. I’ll show you how to Send Emails using PHPMailer in Laravel.
Expand +How to add Shopify Announcement bar (without an app)
The Shopify announcement bar is an excellent way to promote a special discount offer, a sale, or another type of promotion at the top of your Shopify store. And there’s no need to pay a monthly fee for this feature. Simply paste a few lines of code into your theme and you’re done.
Expand +Find the second largest element in an array using React
Write a function to find the second largest element in an array. The function takes an array of integers given a string as an argument and returns the second max value from the input array. If there is no second max return -1.
Expand +How to use cookies in angular
What is Cookies in Angular? Cookies are small packages of information that can be temporarily stored/saved by your browser and websites which are using cookies for multiple things. Cookies are used in multiple requests and browser sessions and can store…
Expand +Transpilation in Angular
Transpilation = translate + compilation The Angular compiler translates the html template to super optimized JavaScript code. The typescript compiler compiles typescript code into JavaScript. Also Read: Difference between JavaScript and TypeScript: JavaScript vs Typescript Transpiling is the one of…
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