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How to create Youtube Search Engine using jQuery

In this article, we are going to learn “How to create Youtube Search Engine using jQuery“. It is a easy jQuery script which help you to create Youtube Search Engine. you can use this in your website to search video on youtube which is publically available. It is very simple and easy to configure jQuery Step by Step.

Now, Let’s Start to make Youtube Search Engine with jQuery:

Step 1:

First of all you need to create google API key for this Project.
Click here to create Project for API key.
Select a project

Create new Project

Enter Project name


Select your created project and click on it


Search Youtube Data API and Enable Youtube Data API v3



Now Generate API key


Create credentials for Project


Finally we got get API key.

Step 2:

Create a html file and include below jQuery, Bootstrap, FancyBox and some script under <head> tag.

Step 3: Copy below HTML search form and paste after <body> tag.

Step 4: Add below css code under <head> tag to make output look good.

Step 5: Now add jQuery code after HTML form code and replace your API Key with this.

Above jQuery is used to request API’s and fetch data from youtube server using you API Key.

searchYoutubevideo() : This function search all video from youtube server for given API key

nextPage() and prevPage(): show next page and previous page of current result

getOutput(item): This function create output data on given values

getButtons(prevPageToken, nextPageToken): Create button for next and previous step.

I hope you will like this tutorial and please share your feedback in comments box and if you have any please comment below.



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