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Difference between JavaScript and TypeScript: JavaScript vs Typescript

Difference between JavaScript and TypeScript

What is JavaScript?

JavaScript is an object-based scripting language. JavaScript is the most popular programming language of HTML. It helps you to create interactive web pages which is lightweight and cross-platform. JavaScript is not designed for large complex applications. It was developed for applications with a few hundred lines of code. The programs in JavaScript language are called scripts. The scripts are written in HTML pages and executed automatically as the page loads.

When JavaScript was growing then the code of JavaScript became complex and heavy. Because of this, JavaScript was even not able to full fill the requirement of Object-oriented programming language. This prevents JavaScript from succeeding at the enterprise level as a server-side technology. Then TypeScript was developed by the development team to bridge this gap.

Features of Javascript

What is Typescript?

Typescript is a modern age Javascript development language. TypeScript code is not understandable by the browsers. That’s why the code is written in TypeScript compiled and converted the code i.e. translate the code into JavaScript. The above process is known as Trans-piled. By the help of JavaScript code, browsers are able to read the code and display.

TypeScript source file is in “.ts” extension. We can use any valid “.js” file by renaming it to “.ts” file. TypeScript is the ES6 version of JavaScript with some additional features. It can be run on Node js or any browser which supports ECMAScript 3 or newer versions. For a large JavaScript project adopting Typescript can bring you more robust software and easily deployable with a regular JavaScript application.

Features of Typescript

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Key Difference between JavaScript and TypeScript:

Advantage of TypeScript over JavaScript

Disadvantage of TypeScript over JavaScript

JavaScript Vs Typescript: Which is better?

1.Lightweight, interpreted, object-oriented language with first-class functions. It doesn’t support strongly typed or static typing.Powerful type system, including generics & JS features. It supports strongly typed or static typing feature.
2.Javascript offers the option to explore and create code without a build step. Netscape developed it in 1995.With Typescript, many npm packages either come with static type definitions or have an external one that is easy to install. Anders Hejlsberg developed it in 2012.
3.Flexible and easy to learn, scripting language. JavaScript source file is in “.js” extension.High learning curve, Requires prior scripting knowledge. TypeScript source file is in “.ts” extension.
4.No need to compile JavaScript. It is directly run on the browser.TypeScript code needs to be compiled. It is not directly run on the browser.
5.It is just a scripting language.It supports object-oriented programming concept like classes, interfaces, inheritance, generics, etc.
6.The JavaScript has a huge community of developers.Typescript does not have a large community of developers
7.It is interpreted language that’s why it highlighted the errors at runtime.It compiles the code and highlighted errors during the development time.
8.JavaScript doesn’t support modules.TypeScript gives support for modules.
9.In this, number, string are the objects.In this, number, string are the interface.
10.JavaScript doesn’t have Prototyping featureTypescript has a feature of prototyping.
11.The average salary for a Javascript Developer is $110,777 per year in the United States.The average salary for “Typescript developer” ranges from approximately $148,027 per year in United States


Now at end of this JavaScript vs TypeScript comparison, I can say that if you’re an experienced developer working on small coding projects, JavaScript is the way to go. However, if you have a team of developers with experience and knowledge then Typescript is the right approach.

Hope I was able to help someone out. If you have any questions feel free to ask anything on the comment section. Cheers!!.

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