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Export HTML Table to PDF using jQuery

Export HTML Table to PDF using jQuery

How to convert or export HTML table to pdf using jQuery is a big problem for Web Application Developers and every time they look for appropriate solutions, so After reviewing this post you’ll not take more than 5 minutes to export HTML table to PDF using jquery. You don’t need to download fpdf library file and include it in your file. Here I am going to explain an easy way to export HTML table to pdf using jQuery with example.

Also Read: How to convert HTML to PDF file in PHP

Here we will use two library html2canvas and pdfmake to complete our requirement. First, html2canva will convert HTML Table into an HTML5 Canvas then pdfmake will export HTML5 Canvas to PDF file.

Let’s see this functionality using a code example. so that it will be more helpful and easy to understand by everyone.

Create an index.html file

A HTML table and a button are included in the following HTML code.

Now we will include or add below jQuery plugin library in index.html file

Export HTML table to PDF using jQuery

Now we will add below jquery function code, which will work on button click to export HTML table to pdf file.

Complete code

Now, you can find below complete code to provide the functionality to export HTML Table to PDF file using jQuery.

Now after clicking on the Export button, you will get your HTML table data into a pdf file. The PDF file will download on your system automatically with the name you will define in the jquery button click function.

Also Read: How to Convert HTML to PDF in CodeIgniter using Dompdf Library


I hope you found this tutorial helpful for your project. Convert or Export HTML table to PDF using jQuery is an important feature for any web application. So here we are, completed the basic step using html2canvas and pdfmake library.

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