How to Add Video Instead of an Image WooCommerce Single Product

Add Video Instead of an Image

If you are a WordPress developer and looking for a way to add video instead of an image wooCommerce single product page. Then you are in the right place.

Many things are set up by default when you install WooCommerce on your websites, such as a category page, a shop page, and a product page, but in some cases, users want to customize their product pages. WooCommerce has some hooks and actions that can help with this.

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Are you looking for a way to include a video in the product image? The single product page is important in any WooCommerce store. This helps the customer in making a decision on what to purchase.

Therefore the relevant information should be added to this page. So Instead of a static, boring, featured image and gallery on a single product page, you may want to show a YouTube video. Video will help the customer to watch the product feature and make the decision to purchase it.


In this article, I will show you how to Add Video instead of an Image WooCommerce single product page.

Adding Video instead of an Image WooCommerce

As we know, WooCommerce does not have a built-in solution to do this. That’s why we will use a WooCommerce hook and custom PHP snippet.

Refer the below image, how the product image is displayed on the front end.

Add Video Instead of Images WooCommerce Single Product

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To Add a Video instead of an Image on the WooCommerce a single product page, you have to use the ‘woocommerce_before_single_product’ hook and write a custom function like ‘wcpm_show_video_not_image’. You can name the function whatever you want.

Add the below code snippet in your theme functions.php file:


Add Video in Product Image WooCommerce

Also Read: How to Add / Edit or Change Position of Default WooCommerce Product Tabs


Well, In this article you will get the complete steps to How to Add Video Instead of an Image WooCommerce Single Product. You can extend the functionality as per your requirement. I hope you found this tutorial helpful for your project. Keep learning!.

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