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How to connect a MySQL database with Node.js


MySQL is one of the most common open source databases in the world, and is also effective. Approximately every popular application language, like Java or PHP, provides a driver to access and run operation with MySQL. Node.js and MySQL are one of the binding requirements for any web application. Before examining stored processes and escaping user input, I will explain how to use the module to link to a MySQL database, execute the normal CRUD operations.

In this tutorial, I will explain the Node.js and MySQL related points. If you’re new to Node and Express then you’re not going to regret taking our Node course.

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Here’s how to use MySQL with Nodejs in easy steps:

Step -1: Install the mysql module to your node application

Step-2: Require mysql module in your route file

Step-3: Create New Database and Database Table in MySql

Step-4: Connecting to the Database

Now, let’s create a file called app.js. Here is the sample code that links to the database and performs a SQL query:

Note:- Make sure you have started MySQL on your default port and modified the parameter in the code above.

Now open up your terminal and enter node app.js command. Once the connection is successfully established you will see the ‘database connected successfully’ message in the console.

Step-5: Now we will perform CURD Operation using Mysql and Express

In the above example code, you will get the curd (Save + Update + Read + Delete ) operation process using express and MySQL. You can also watch below video in Hindi with live explanation.

Conclusion :

MySQL is one of the world’s widely used database engine and it really works very well with Nodejs or express. 

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