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How to import or use images in ReactJS


In this article, we will learn about how to use an image with HTML file and JSX component using “img” tag in Reactjs. Adding images with the JSX component in react js is an important part of any designer or developer. If you will see the React App default directory structure then you will get two option to upload your images file:

  1. Inside public Folder
  2. Inside src Folder

Inside public Folder

If you put a file into the public folder, it will not be processed by Webpack. Instead, it will be copied into the build folder untouched.

To reference asset in the public folder, you need to use a special variable called “PUBLIC_URL”. You can only access the image with %PUBLIC_URL% prefix, from the public folder.

Usually, I recommend importing stylesheet, images, and fonts from javascript.


Using Public Folder

  1. You need a file with a specific name in the build output, such as manifest.webmanifest.
  2. You have thousands of images and need to dynamically reference their paths.
  3. You want to include a small script like custom.js outside of the bundled code.
  4. Some libraries may be incompatible with Webpack and you have no other option but to include it as a <script> tag.

For Example: if your image is in Public Folder



For the javascript module, you need to use {process.env.PUBLIC_URL} instead of %PUBLIC_URL%.

Inside src Folder

With Webpack, using static assets like images and fonts works similar to CSS. You can import a file right in a JavaScript module. This tells Webpack to include that file in the bundle. Unlike CSS imports, importing a file gives you a string value. This value is the final path you can reference in your code. For example: As the src attribute of an image or the href of a link to a PDF.


How to use

This ensures that when the project is built, Webpack will correctly move the images into the build folder, and provide us with correct paths.


Example Code:


Inspect element code:


If you are creating an e-commerce website where you need to upload a lot’s images then I will recommend you to use “Public” Folder. You can’t use the src folder at this time due to security issues.

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