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How to integrate Gravity Forms with Google Spreadsheets:

integrate Gravity Forms with Google Spreadsheets

Gravity Forms is an extremely popular Forms plugin for the WordPress. When someone submits a form created with Gravity Forms, the form data is saved inside the MySQL database .

There are step by step process to integrate Gravity Forms with Google Spreadsheets:

Step1-> Open the google spreadsheet where you wish to save the form data

Step2-> create a header row with the column names for all the fields that you wish to save from Gravity Forms.

Step3-> go to Tools->Script Editor

step4-> paste the following code

Step5-> Save the Google Script

Step6-> Goto RUN Menu and choose doPost

Step7-> Choose Publish, Deploy as web app

Step8-> Click Save New Version, Set access as Anyone, even anonymous

Step9-> Click Deploy

Step10-> Copy the Google Script URL as we will need it in the WordPress

Step11-> Open the wordpress function.php file and paste  following code


Step12-> Save the PHP file and submit a test entry. It should show up data in your Google Spreadsheet.

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