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How to Use ViewChild with Child Component in Angular

Use ViewChild with Child Component in Angular

In Angular, the decorator @ViewChild() is used to access a child component, directive, or DOM element within the parent component.

Also Read: How to Use *ngIf else, then directive in Angular

In certain cases, you may need to access a directive, child component, or DOM element from a parent component class. The ViewChild decorator returns the first element that matches the selector for a given directive, component, or template reference.

Use ViewChild with Child Component

ViewChild makes it possible to access a child component and call methods or access instance variables that are available to the child.

Let’s start, First we will create a ParentComponent and  ChildComponent. Ideally, i will use @angular/cli to generate your component:

A. Generate Parent Component named “employee”

B. Generate Child Component named “salary”

Open and Edit salary.component.ts file

Now, I will add salaryIncrement and salaryDecrement method to ChildComponent which returns a message:

Next, I will edit the salary.component.html file and copy and paste the below code:

Open and Edit salary.component.html file

Next, I will open the parent component “employee.component.html” and update reference of child component selector to the parent component html file:

Open and Edit employee.component.html file

In the above code, i added two button for increment and decrement the salary.

Also i added the child component reference using <app-salary></app-salary> in parent template.

Open and Edit employee.component.ts file

Next, i will open the “employee.component.ts” file and define the function for button click.

In the above code, i only defined increment and decrement function which will trigger on button click and console the message.

Now, I will use ViewChild decorator in “employee.component.ts” file and use the increment and decrement function or method of child component “salary”.

Open and Edit employee.component.ts file again

Now, we can call the salaryIncrement and salaryDecrement method from within our parent component class with ViewChild like this:

Next, we will reference the employee component in our app template:

Open and edit app.component.html file

When I run the application and view the output in a browser, I get the following output


After click on increment button for first time, I get the following output.

After click on decrement button for first time , I get the following output.


You have learned to use ViewChild decorator to access a child component from a parent component class.

Hope I was able to help someone out. If you have any questions feel free to ask anything on the comment section. Cheers!!.

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