If you don’t call yourself a gamer, then you will be start calling yourself soon. One of the best part of today’s world is that we make our minds tension free for a while because of the functions they have in them. Getting a game installed on your phone also gives your mind few hours of relaxation. Top 10 games of 2018 that will make your mind refresh are as follows:
- Transistor– One of the games that released few years back is worth to be counted in 2018 as well. The game launched on PC and PS4 but now is available to be installed on iOS as well. This is the game that is master in visual and audio design.
- World of Goo- It is a puzzle game that is quite old but holds up to be a part of 2018. You drag goo balls to form structures to build paths for other goo balls to reach the exit. The game is best on touchscreen devices because of the multi touch support.
- Crashlands- Released in 2016, it’s the best android game. To win the game you need to find out what’s going on, build yourself a base, collect several things and save the world. The game is a fun and contains hours of content. The best thing about the game is, there are no in-app purchases to get in the way.
- Heartstone- The game plays well on touch screen devices basically the game was really made for tablets, the 4:3 aspect ratio of the main board in the game is the best thing. You should definitely give this game a shoot as it is free than any other card game.
- Minecraft- The game popular among all from the ages and for all the ages. The frequent updates add tons of new content and possibilities. The game has in-app purchases but that are usually for customization things like skin packs and all.
- Faster than Light- Spaceship simulator had touch screen written all over and mobile port really works beautifully. The game is all about micromanaging resources across your ship as you navigate waypoints in different sectors. The games play is different each time.
- Company of Heroes 2- The superb graphics, the style and the flair of the combat set this game apart from other games. The game is a must play for any RTS fan and especially so for fans of the original. Flamethrowers are the fun part.
- World of Tanks- The game is a great fun and is always ready to make your mind relax. The involvement of lumbering steel beasts is the ultimate fun. World of Tanks games is free of cost so, you can play it now.
- FIFA 14- Amazing football game liked by many of the boys. FIFA 14 is just another version of FIFA. The various small teaks to FIFA 14 don’t make it any less familiar but these changes refine the game.
- Bioshock Infinite- A brilliant game and the story come out to be fantastic and a great motivator. Gorgeous visuals, captivating sounds and good shooting mechanics are the few pros.
These were the top 10 games for 2018. Don’t forget to pay them and relax your mind!

Pradeep Maurya is the Professional Web Developer & Designer and the Founder of “Tutorials website”. He lives in Delhi and loves to be a self-dependent person. As an owner, he is trying his best to improve this platform day by day. His passion, dedication and quick decision making ability to stand apart from others. He’s an avid blogger and writes on the publications like Dzone, e27.co