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PHP vs Node.js: Which is best for web development

PHP vs Node.js: Which is best for beginners

Backend programmers are normally the ones who have to deal with the problem of selecting between PHP vs Node.js. For certain reasons, this has now become a common situation with the developers. Previously, PHP was not used to overlap javascript (the one behind Node. Js). Javascript was used for front-end applications, while PHP was used for server-side applications. Working together, these two languages have developed awesome websites.

So what happened all of a sudden? What changed the situation? This happened when JS, represented by an all-new Node.Js started entering a server-side sphere and distracted backend programmers from traditional PHP.

Read: PHP Tutorials for beginners in Hindi

Read: Node.js Tutorials for beginners in Hindi

PHP vs Node.js

PHP vs Node.js are both used for server-side development and have thus become a competitor to each other. Below are some differences based on different parameters for understanding and making decisions between the two giants:

1. Basic Overview: PHP vs Node.js

PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor), is an open-source server-side scripting language designed specifically for web development. it is also used as a general-purpose scripting language. PHP scripts have an extension of .php and can contain Javascript, HTML, CSS and even plain text.

Node.js is an open-source server-side Javascript runtime environment built on the Chrome JavaScript Engine(V8) that includes everything that is needed to execute a program that is written in Javascript. It is used to develop fast and robust applications and is an event-driven, non-blocking I / O model. Node.js files have a .js extension and contain JavaScript only.

2. Synchronous or Asynchronous: PHP vs Node.js

PHP is a Synchronous code executes line by line and proceeds to execute the next line of code when the current line has been executed.

Node.js is asynchronous in nature which means the JavaScript engine runs through the entire code in one go and does not wait for a function to return.

3. Modules: PHP vs Node.js

PHP uses module installing technologies like PEAR( a framework and distribution system for reusable PHP components ), and Composer ( a tool for dependency management in PHP ).

Node.js comes with a package management system called NPM (Node Package Manager) and a registry that is easy to use and publish.

4. Framework: PHP vs Node.js

PHP has many frameworks like Laravel, CodeIgniter, Cakephp.

Node.Js has Frameworks like Express and the full-stack MVC frameworks Meteor and Derby are the most popular.

5. Database: PHP vs Node.js

PHP is used in collaboration with traditional/relational databases like MySQL, MariaDB, PostgreSQL.

Node.js used NoSQL (Not only SQL) databases like MongoDB, CouchDB. Node.Js can also work with MySql but not more perfectly as MongoDB.

6. Hosting: PHP vs Node.js

PHP language is supported by several hosting services compared to Node.js (less hosting services). it means the deployment and integration of PHP are easier than Node (which needs a virtual server with SSH access for running applications).

7. Practical application: PHP vs Node.js

PHP is usually used for web-based applications. However, Node.js may be used for web apps, multithreaded apps, game servers, browsers, a real-time chat system, etc.

8. Performance: PHP vs Node.js

PHP provides a stable and reliable performance when it comes to web development, as compared to the Javascript framework.

you will notice that NodeJs stands out to be a lot faster than PHP

Advantage of PHP:

  1. PHP framework is usually used to make web application development easier & maintain the code automatically.
  2. Stability: PHP is also quite stable as compared to various programming languages.
  3. Designed for the Web: it easy for developers to work on developing the PHP web-based apps.

The disadvantage of PHP:

  1. Poor code manageability:
  2. Unable to handle a large number of applications
  3. Outdated Client-Server Model

Advantages of Node.js:

  1. Easy to learn
  2. Fast backend solution
  3. More Flexible
  4. Asynchronous Code Execution

The disadvantage of Node.js:

  1. Less Efficient in Handling CPU-intensive Application: Node.js is a single-threaded and event-based environment that is not as good in handling CPU intensive operations, such as generating or editing graphics, audio, and video as in managing concurrent requests.
  2. Lack of Maturity

When to use PHP?

  1. A blog or e-commerce website with CMS.
  2. Goes perfectly with the LAMP stack (Linux Apache, MySQL, PHP).
  3. Ease of deployment and integration
  4. When don’t need continuous interaction with the server

When to use Node.js?

  1. Dynamic single-page applications (SPAs)
  2. Frontend technologies like Angular, JQuery, React, Angular, etc
  3. Software stacks like MEAN stack (Angular, MongoDB, etc)
  4. Build real-time applications such as instant messengers.
  5. When we need continuous interaction with the server like chat application

Also See: How to connect a MySQL database with Node.js

Also Watch : Mini Projects for Freshers using Node js, Express Js and MongoDB


Both Node.js and PHP will serve as a great server-side framework However both have some advantages and disadvantages, the amazing thing is that both are built by the experts to enhance the quality of the web and mobile Application.

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