React is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces. Test your knowledge with this React quiz made especially for beginners.
#1. React is mainly for building ___
#2. JSX is necessary to work with React.js?
#3. Reactjs data flow implementation?
#4. Which helps react for keeping their data unidirectional?
#5. React.js Covers only the view layer of the app?
#6. Which is used to keep the value of components unique?
#7. Which of the following API is necessary for React.js component?
#8. Which is used to update the state?
#9. Which of the following mounting methods are invoked before the component is inserted into DOM?
#10. ReactJS renders Components start with?
#11. A parent component could access or read its children components properties?
#12. which of the following method define default values for properties using props?
#13. Which is used to pass the data from parent to child?
#14. To achieve dynamic UI updates. Which of the following needs to be updated ?
#15. Which of the following represented the Pre and post life cycle methods of components ?
#16. Which of the following is the correct data flow sequence of flux concept?
#17. React.s focuses on which of the following part when considering MVC?
#18. Which of the following is not components of Redux?
#19. In component lifecycle which one is executed before rendering?
#20. Once you create an element, React you can’t change its children or attributes?
#21. Life cycle methods of a components fall under following categories?
#22. What is the name of React.js Developer ?
#23. Who Develop React.js?
#24. What is ReactJS?
#25. How can you access the state of a component from inside of a member function?
#26. Props are __________ into other components
#27. Which of the following API is a MUST for every ReactJS component?
#28. What are the advantages of React JS?
#29. What does the “webpack” command do?
#30. What is a react.js in MVC?