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Word Document Placeholder Replacement using Node js

word document placeholder replacement using nodejs

In this article, we’ll see how to replace word document placeholder using Docxtemplater & pizzip library with Node js Project.

Word Document Placeholder

What is Docxtemplater?

Docxtemplater is a programmatically used mail merging tool that handles conditions, loops, and that can be extended to insert anything (tables, html, images).

Docxtemplater uses JSON (Javascript objects) as data input so it is easy to use from other languages as well. It manages templates in docx but also in pptx.

It functions similarly to a templating engine.

Many solutions such as docx.js, docx4j, python-docx can generate docx, but they allow you to write specific code in order to create a title, an image, …

In addition, docxtemplater is based on tag concepts, and each form of tag exposes the user to write the template.

What is pizzip?

PizZip is a fork of JSZip version 2.x, because we want a synchronous Zip library.

A library for creating, reading and editing .zip files with Javascript, with a lovely and simple API.

Read More about Pizzip

Create Node js Project

Let’s initialize the project for word document placeholder replacement with npm init –yes command.

Install the Docxtemplater & pizzip

Now install the Docxtemplater the module as shown below:

Create an app.js file

Now create a file called app.js and place the following code.

You can download input.docx and put it in the same folder than your JS file.

Execute app.js Code

Now execute the code with node app.js command, it will generate a new word document called output.docx in the project folder.

Also Read: File Upload in Node js using Multer


I hope you found this tutorial helpful for your project. Replace Word Document Placeholder with Node js is an important feature for any web application. So here we are, completed the basic concept using Docxtemplater & pizzip in node.js and express.js

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