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Responsive Accordion Photo Gallery using html & css

Responsive Accordion Photo Gallery

Creating an accordion photo gallery with HTML and CSS involves using a combination of HTML for the structure and CSS for the styling and animations. An accordion image gallery typically displays a list of images, and when a user mouse hovers over an image, it expands to show more details or a larger version of the image.

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In this article, you will get all the easy steps to create your own Accordion Image Gallery for your project. Below is an example of an accordion image/photo gallery using HTML and CSS:

Step-1: Create HTML Layout for Accordion Photo Gallery

In this example, the gallery displays 5 images with a basic hover effect. When you hover over an image, a black overlay with the image description appears at the bottom.

Create a file with a name index.html

Step-2: Write CSS for Accordion Photo Gallery

As we have created an HTML structure in step-1. So this is time to write some CSS code to design the interface user-friendly.

Create a style.css file in the same directory/folder

Copy and paste the below code in the style.css file

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Related Articles:

  1. How to create 3D Rotating Image Gallery with CSS
  2. CSS 3d Layered Image Hover Effects – CSS Isometric Design
  3. How to Create Bootstrap Carousel Slider


You can add more photo items as needed, and the gallery will adjust its layout to be responsive to various screen sizes. The images and their descriptions will adapt accordingly to provide a better user experience.

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