Backend programmers are normally the ones who have to deal with the problem of selecting between PHP vs Node.js. For certain reasons, this has now become a common situation with the developers. Previously, PHP was not used to overlap javascript (the one behind…
Expand +Tag: php
Extract Website Content using Scraping API with PHP
The Web Scraping API allows developers to use a structured format to scrap website data. Returns website real-time data dependent on the web page URL defined in the settings of the API. The Web Scraping API is very helpful to…
Expand +How to Create ZIP File using PHP
The ZIP is a normally used file format to archive files with information compression. When you need to enable the client to download numerous folders and files from the server, you have to make a ZIP file on the fly.…
Expand +How to send attachment in an email on form submission using PHP
Contact or feedback form is utilized for online communication and the submitted form data is sent vie email instantly. At the point when the contact form has a document upload field, the document should be sent with email as a…
Expand +How to Create One Time Temporary Download Link with Expiration in PHP
Temporary download link is extremely helpful to offer Digital products on the site. It gives a safe method to share the download link of the advanced items. The client permits downloading the record just a single time, after the download…
Expand +How to Generate PDF from Mysql Database using PHP
In this post I will explain you How to Generate PDF from Mysql Database using PHP. To Generate PDF file with mysql data content and output, we will use popular php library FPDF which will help us to generate PDF file.…
Expand +How to Import MySQL Database from SQL File using PHP
Importing SQL script via programming will be useful when we need to create database structure dynamically. For example, if we provide APP or plugin to download and install from online, the dynamic SQL import will be used to setup the…
Expand +How to Create Dynamic Category Subcategory Tree using PHP and MySQL
Category and subcategory tree view structure gives an easy to use approach to list the parent and child categories. The category and their subcategory are effectively isolated by a tree structure. The categories tree view is constantly recommended to display…
Expand +Facebook style timeline content loading placeholder with CSS
In this article, we’ll get the knowledge about Facebook timeline placeholder style using CSS. Many times you have noticed that when you open facebook on your system, you will get content loading placeholder and you always think how that placeholder…
Expand +Different types of errors in php
E_ERROR: A fatal error that causes script termination E_WARNING: Run-time warning that does not cause script termination E_ALL: Catches all errors and warnings E_PARSE: Compile time parse error. E_NOTICE: Run time notice caused due to error in code E_USER_WARNING: User-generated…
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