There is no denying that the landscape of front-end development is constantly evolving with technological advancements. As there are so many frameworks to choose from, it has become inevitable for businesses to feel confused regarding which framework will be a…
Expand +Tag: reactjs
AngularJS vs ReactJS: Which One is Best for the Next Project
How you choose to structure your next project should be informed by what you have learned from past projects. With AngularJS vs ReactJS, both frameworks offer a lot of promise when it comes to designing your next product and improving…
Expand +Find the second largest element in an array using React
Write a function to find the second largest element in an array. The function takes an array of integers given a string as an argument and returns the second max value from the input array. If there is no second max return -1.
Expand +Flutter vs. React Native – What to Choose as Beginner?
Maybe you’d like to more quickly create apps? And with cross-platform growth, to minimise costs, but you’re not sure which technology to choose? There are several types of solutions, but the most common one right now is to build compiled…
Expand +How to use map() in Javascript
Introduction to JavaScript Array mapfunction or map() The map function or map() in javascript is very helpful when you need to convert or modify the elements in an Array. See Below image code It runs from left to right across the…
Expand +React Redux Basic Introduction
React Redux is the official Redux UI binding library for React. Redux is a predictable state container for javascripts Apps. Let’s break definition into three parts to better understand: It is for JavaScript apps. It is a state container. It…
Expand +How to import or use images in ReactJS
In this article, we will learn about how to use an image with HTML file and JSX component using “img” tag in Reactjs. Adding images with the JSX component in react js is an important part of any designer or…
Expand +How To Fetch Data From An API With React Hooks
React Hooks is an exciting new feature that allows you to do anything in components of function rather than using classes such as fetch data. A lot of discussions are going on around them, but you’re here to get information!…
Expand +Hooks in ReactJS
Hooks in Reactjs: Hooks are a new addition in React 16.8. They allow you to use React without classes. It means you can use state and other React features without writing a class. Hooks are functions that let you “hook…
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