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Woocommerce: How do I change an entry in wp_options using API with CURL

How do I change an entry in wp_options using API with CURL

WooCommerce, a powerful WordPress plugin for eCommerce, comes equipped with a robust REST API that allows developers to interact with its features programmatically. In this guide, we’ll explore how to change an entry in the wp_options table using the WooCommerce REST API and cURL.

In WooCommerce, the wp_options table holds crucial settings and configurations for your online store. But what if you need to modify an entry in this table programmatically? Enter the WooCommerce REST API, and let’s explore how to achieve this using cURL.

WooCommerce REST API

WooCommerce provides a powerful REST API that allows you to interact with your store programmatically. This API includes endpoints for a variety of actions.

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Update an entry in wp_options using API with CURL

Step 1: Obtain API Credentials

Before making API requests, you need authentication credentials. In WooCommerce, you typically use a consumer key and secret. Generate these by navigating to your WooCommerce settings:

Step 2: Identify the Option to Update

Before diving into the code, identify the option you want to update in the wp_options table. For this example, let’s assume you want to change the site’s title, stored with the option name ‘blogname.’

Step 3: Create a Custom Endpoint

For a more flexible solution, you can create a custom WordPress endpoint to handle option updates.

Add the following code to your theme’s functions.php file:

Step 4: Use cURL to Update the Option

Create a cURL command to interact with the REST API.

Step 5: Execute the cURL Command

Run the cURL command in your terminal or command prompt. If successful, you’ll receive a response indicating the updated information.

Are you want to get implementation help, or modify or extend the functionality?

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Step 6: Additional Consideration – Security

For security reasons, avoid exposing sensitive information, such as your admin password, in cURL commands. Consider using consumer_key and consumer_secret when dealing with API requests.

Remember to keep your API credentials secure and only use them in secure, encrypted connections. As with any programmatic changes, thoroughly test and validate your scripts in a safe environment before applying them to a live WooCommerce store.

Also Read: How to Get Best Selling Products in Woocommerce Programmatically


This method provides a more secure way of interacting with the WordPress REST API. By using the WooCommerce REST API with cURL, you can dynamically update options in the wp_options table. This ability empowers automation, allowing you to manage your store’s configurations programmatically and seamlessly integrate with other systems.

Thanks for reading 🙏, I hope you found the Woocommerce: How do I change an entry in wp_options using API tutorial helpful for your project. Keep learning! If you face any problems – I am here to solve your problems.


How can I find my consumer key and secret in WooCommerce?

In WooCommerce, you typically use a consumer key and secret. Generate these by navigating to your WooCommerce settings:

1. Go to WooCommerce > Settings > Advanced > REST API.
2. Create a new API key and note the consumer key and consumer secret.

Can I use REST API using PHP CURL?

Yes, You can use above url command in PHP CURL. Please follow the below code


$curl = curl_init();

curl_setopt_array($curl, array(
“value”: “your_option_value”
‘Content-Type: application/json’,
‘Authorization: Basic ‘.base64_encode(consumer_key:consumer_secret)

$response = curl_exec($curl);

echo $response;

Can i change wordpress options value using WooCommerce / WordPress Rest API?

Yes. you can change an entry in wp_options using API.

How do I change an entry in wp_options using API?

You have to follow complete steps which i explained in this articles. Click here to visit

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